5 Tips For Managing An Instagram Account

5 Tips For Managing An Instagram Account

Instagram can be a mystery for a multitude of reasons, specifically when it comes to managing a successful business account. The app sounds simple enough: share photos and videos with your followers. Get Likes. Get Comments. But of course, like all social media platforms, it’s not that simple. Let’s talk about managing an Instagram account.

It holds a high popularity mainly among the younger generation. This can be a great benefit if your target demographic falls into this area, but only if you utilize the app successfully. The main problem people find with Instagram is the high amount of competition. The heavy populated social service announced that they have passed over the billion user line, and is only growing from there.

This brings up the question: how do you get your content noticed in all of the noise?

managing an instagram account

Sofa Communications has compiled a list of things you can do to get more attention to your Instagram profile.

Engage with Instagram Stories while Managing An Instagram Account

The Instagram stories feature has rivalled with Snapchat and won. Posting to Instagram Stories lasts for 24 hrs and disappear afterwards. They create a “here in the moment” feel with the person or company posting the photo. It is a great way to engage your followers. The feature allows for followers to directly message you from your story, or simply react to it. Current promotions or updates on your business are only the some ideas for utilizing the right Instagram stories, but the limit is endless. It is now one of the main features the app offers alongside posting, where many users now report using the app only to check these specific stories. 

Use Relevant Hashtags on your posts

This is crucial if you want your photos to be listed in more areas than just your profile. Be seen by more than just your followers. By adding relevant hashtags on your photo, other users or potential clients will be able to find your feed, like your photos and potentially follow your profile. Instagram allows for the use of up to 30 Hashtags/post, and we recommend using every single one of those to be seen in multiple areas across the app. Need help thinking of Hashtag ideas? Try using Google! Simply search for the best hashtags that relate to your post and you’ll see many sites that provide them for you. 

Tag people in your photos on Instagram

It is important to tag people’s accounts if they are in your photos. This isn’t just for the human’s who are in your photo, but also the company’s too. If your photo features a specific item from a brand you love, be sure to tag them as well! This draws attention to your account, not only by having your photo show up on their account under their “tagged” photo’s section, but also makes your photo something users will want to click. The person or brand may share your photo in their story, repost your image or give you a shoutout if they like what you’ve posted. This also creates a sense of interconnectivity, connecting users to brands and users to other users, and is a huge benefit of the app. 

Managing your Post Consistently

The Instagram algorithm responds well to consistency, meaning that your posts will be seen by more people the more consistently you post. For the highest engagement levels, posting once a day will ensure you’re noticed, but for those with very busy schedules, posting at least 2 – 3 times a week to continually engage your followers is ideal. Every user enjoys seeing new content, and there is definite value in posting regularly. Having a posting schedule, whether with an Instagram planning tool, or simply written in your schedule could help you with remembering to post.

Don’t forget to Geotag

The geotag feature allows you to add a location to your photos. This helps with search ability: if anyone looks up the location that you tagged your photo, they will see it your post listed in the feed. This increases the reach of your post and increases the chance for people to stumble across it. It also allows you to narrow your target demographic. If your business is mainly located in one town, you are able to show users that you are located there.

In short, those are just some of the tips we use to up our Instagram game! If you are interested in knowing more or would like someone to run your Instagram account for you, get in touch with us and take the hassle away from managing an Instagram account. Sofa Communications runs several companies Instagram accounts so they’re able to focus on what they do best: run their business.